Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Daze

Weather: blue haze, heading to 90's

Activity: Filling bird feeders. Almost as good as procrastinating. Second only to watering the garden.


1. Continue chemical erradication campaign against tri-foliate skin irritant. Five gallons selectively dispensed; need to buy more. TFSI is turing pale yellow in areas from last weekend's campaing. No new blisters on skin, but being extrememly careful where I put my feet when walking through the infested areas.

2. Transport 25 pounds of bird feed from storage containers to bird feeders strategically placed around the yard.

3. Design and install device requiring squirrels to exhibit some ingenuity to get to peanut(s); anticipated collateral benefit: entertainment .

4. Prepare outline of TIB on what it means to be a true American

5. Find out if the Wayard e has returned home safely.

6. Resolution related to mysterious loss of oil from car engine, prompting long distance late-night question regarding whether 10w-30 can be added to 10w-40 without adverse effect.

7. Hypothesis: smoking exhaust indicates oil becoming mixed with gasoline in combustion process. None of the ways oil gets into gasoline in old car to create smoking exhaust are cheaply resolved. SU suspects leaking piston rings.
a. Unless-- oil is being added without allowing sufficient time to elapse (15 minutes) for oil to pool in bottom of engine before checking to see if more is needed, i.e., repeated inadvertent over-filling.

8. Figure out why cat has taken to sleeping sitting up. Seems unnatural.

Recent activities:
Sunday: went to pool party/beer tasting. Tasted several beers from the Rogue River area; very good. Decided to add "Visit Rogue River" to "To Do" list while out there. Weird beers were paired with everything from Irish cheese and mocha lentils to fresh strawberries and chchocolate malt balls -- not a single chip or salsa in sight. Clear, clean cool pool without small children was sheer delight in the heat .

Monday: Coffee and a nap. Time to put on bug repellent and brave the wilderness.


Blogger Andrew Mills said...

yeah, we made it home ok. though i was kinda secretly hoping we'd end up trapped in seattle for a few more days. that place is so great. we'll have to take a day trip there when you come visit. though perhaps not in the volvo, after this weekend's delightful fiasco.
i mean, good god. a motorcyclist who pulled up behind us at a red light nearly asphyxiated from the smoke.
and mocha lentils sound really intriguing.

7:51 PM  
Blogger Andrew Mills said...

So you should update. Also: you should check your daughter's latest update, because she needs some sense swift-kick-in-the-assed back into her.

That is only one of oh-so-many reasons why I wish you were here.

5:17 PM  

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